[MacDV] Re: Much Ado About Nothing - Apple AD's in general

Chris Searles csearles at t-online.de
Fri Jul 18 23:31:41 PDT 2003

On Samstag, Juli 19, 2003, at 05:15  Uhr, Steven Rogers wrote:

>> He said yes they were very good.  He said you can't show enough of 
>> the features of something complex like a computer in a 30 second Ad 
>> and have it retained by the general public.  . . .
> That is obviously false. A good counter-example is the elopement ad 
> showing iMovie. It shows quite simply something distinctive about the 
> product. It isn't necessary to show technical features.
Yes, but the main point is that it's hard to show in 30 seconds how 
much easier it is to use and how much better the results are than with 
that "other operating system," i.e. in Windows ads they also tell you 
you can make movies with their software.

Chris Searles

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