[MacDV] Re: Much Ado About the G5 Ad

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Sat Jul 19 09:05:50 PDT 2003

On Saturday, July 19, 2003, at 10:28 AM, William Hofius wrote:

> On Saturday, July 19, 2003, at 07:15  AM, Macintosh Digital Video List 
> wrote:
>> Yes, but the main point is that it's hard to show in 30 seconds how 
>> much easier it is to use and how much better the results are than 
>> with that "other operating system," i.e. in Windows ads they also 
>> tell you you can make movies with their software.
> I guess for me, the voice-over only says the world's faster computer. 
> That's it and nothing more. I would have appreciated just a bit more 
> info. I suppose talking about an 800 MHz front-side bus would be 
> pointless. But they could have said something more:
> "Introducing the PowerMac G5, the first personal computer to put the 
> power and speed of an IBM server on your desktop. Make movies faster. 
> Burn DVDs in less time. And games... the PowerMac G5 will blow you 
> away. The new PowerMac G5. The world's fastest personal computer. Only 
> from Apple."

What ever happened to the idea that what you *do* with the computer is 
more important than which one currently has the fastest CPU?  That's 
Windows marketing - because they're all the same aside from a few tech 
spec details.

The tank ad was good, because back then the Mac still suffered from 
folklore wisdom that its "slow". It was a problem than needed to be 
addressed. That's not a problem now. Does Apple really think that the 
most important thing it delivers to its users is a faster CPU than a 
PC? Its a slap in the face of the whole Mac concept.


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