On Monday, July 28, 2003, at 12:17 PM, Illovox Media wrote: > Kunga hilariously always seems to announce acquisitions of new toys > just as they come available. And what new toys would that be? Can you be specific? Always? This sentence is blatantly false. My most recent acquisition was a refurbished (not new) dual 867 MDD in late April bought with a Visa Card. Hardly a new toy since it first came to market a year ago and mine came refurbished. I have no money. But I have excellent credit. I believe in debt. Others here don't. Why am I the only person on this list who's economic status is considered appropriate for discussion? Erica, It is not unethical to buy something and decide that you don't like it and return it without defect nor damage. It is some stores' policy. Best Buy and Fry's both have unrestricted 30 day return policies FOR ANY REASON. There are many ethical and good reasons besides damage or defective to decide you don't want to keep something and return it. Found a better price, don't like, wife/husband wouldn't let me keep it, don't really need it, etc. etc. Plus could you all please remember that I have never done this? It is advice to a broke man on how he COULD do it if he really wanted to no matter what. It would not be breaking the law. When did everybody on this list get so holier than thou and judgmental? You guys are all so perfect and I am all so defective/evil/corrupt/unethical/bad/creepy because I tell a guy a legal way to get gear he can't afford for temporary use. Just because I give that suggestion does not make me an unethical person. I am sick and tired of you perfect few attacking anyone who writes something you think is outside your confined opinion of what is right and wrong. The guy I am trying to help wants to attack me. This is insane Bizarro world on this list sometimes. Why do persons get attacked for suggestions on this list? Is there anybody on this list that would care to agree with me for a change? kunga10 (AIM) kunga47 (Yahoo Messenger with Cross-Platform dial-up Video sans audio)