[MacDV] Which of these is the best source for DV ?

Bob rschoenburg at schoenburg.com
Tue Jul 29 10:17:50 PDT 2003

Number 1 is worst quality. 2 and three are equal. You will get better
quality if you run the signal thru an analogue converter. I have the Canopus

> 1)  analogue video on cable --> record to VHS tape (Hi-Fi, fast speed)
> --> later, play through DV camcorder --> iMovie via FireWire
> 2) analogue video on cable --> S-Video and stereo audio from cable
> converter --> record to DV camcorder --> play DV to iMovie via FireWire
> 3) analogue video on cable --> S-Video and stereo audio from cable
> converter --> passthrough DV camcorder --> capture 'live' to iMovie via
> FireWire

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