S-VCD Refresher course needed

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Tue Jun 10 20:48:46 PDT 2003

> From: Gerhard Kuhn <suspice at hay.net>
> In my experience a cd drive equipped PC will not play VCDs there may be
> special software available to facilitate this but out of the box it
> doesn't work.

I believe Windows Media Player will play the VCDs, but otherwise a PC 
owner can always run over to download.com or something like it, do a 
search for "vcd" and find a freeware/shareware player. I just did a 
quick search on Versiontracker.com (the Windows side) and found "Sonic 
Cineplayer" that will do the job.

The Mac also requires "special software" I suppose, though I think the 
Quicktime Player can play the actual files ON the VCD, it doesn't start 
up "automatically" or anything. There are several VCD players for Mac, 
but I use VLC for Mac OS X, because it seems to play just about 
anything (particularly good for weird PC-only formats).


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of software?

A: More!

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