Aloha everyone, My outreach organization AstroDay Institute ( is looking to acquire some DV equipment. The equipment will be used to produce short astronomy outreach segments on local cable access channels, to document various astronomy activities conducted by Mauna Kea Observatories, etc, to produce and distribute educational and event DVDs. Current research has guided me toward obtaining a G4 dual processor desktop, 23" cinema display, shuttleXpress multimedia controller, Logic Apple Pro Keyboard for Final Cut Pro, Wacom 6x8 graphics tablet, 200GB Maxtor internal Ultra ATA drive. I have a consumer mini-DV camcorder and access to a professional 3-CCD camera, and DV deck. Software I am looking at consists of Final Cut Pro 4, DVD Studio Pro. Can anyone offer suggestions as to other hardware and software I may find useful (does Boris Graffiti offer any significant advantages over stock FCP functionality, Boris FX vs Adobe AfterEffects, etc)? I am doing research on this and am educating myself about DV, but would appreciate the member's vast pool of knowledge and experience to provide some guidance for me. Best Regards Gary Fujihara -- Subaru Telescope - NAOJ 650 N. A'Ohoku Place Hilo, HI 96720 (808) 934-5972