Well Chris, if you are happy with your B/W G3 for Video Editing, then nothing is going to convince you to ever buy a new Mac again. I have a B/W G3 sitting in my closet. In my opinion it is wholly inadequate for video editing. Two months ago I thought I would get the last of the 9 bootable G4's. So I picked up the last REFURBISHED dual 867 for $1319 at Small Dog. Now it turns out it wasn't the last. Apple has now done a flip flop and made the NEW line the OLD line with last year's motherboard and what's left of their 1.25 GHz chip inventory and RADICALLY lowered the price. So what did I do? Tuesday morning I bought the "NEW" dual 1.25 GHz with last year's 2MB L3 cache each for $1599 from Small Dog (members only). Now I don't know what sort of cuts only video editing you are doing with your B/W G3. But I can tell you right now you don't know what you're missing. Even this old dual 867 dog hunts pretty damn fast and boots 9 way faster than the B/W. Three notes on the G5: 1. I just noticed that when you buy the dual 2 GHz 970 with the minimum 512 MB of RAM that it comes as TWO 256 MB sticks instead of ONE 512 MB stick. Is that a rip or what? I think that is not the right thing to do. Shame on Apple for doing that. 2. I also just discovered (thanks to OWC's newsletter) that you can lower the price of all of the G5's by simply choosing an optical Combo Drive instead of a SuperDrive by $200. A lot of us who already have Pioneer DVR-105 SuperDrives can appreciate that option. That $200 will pay for more than another 1 GB stick of DDR RAM out there in the real world. 3. OWC also suggest you save another $29 by deleting the analog modem. Don't do it. Why not? Because when you lose your broadband connection (and it does happen from time to time) you will be VERY SORRY you saved $29 and now have a $100 or more problem. It is definitely not worth it. k On Friday, June 27, 2003, at 08:55 AM, Chris at beliefpictures at shaw.ca wrote: > What are people's impressions of the new G5's? Nice machines but for > me way more than I need. I am quite happy with my Blue and White G3. > With the built-in Firewire it is a great digital video machine. What > are people's views? Chris