STAY AWAY FROM iMovie 3!!!

Karl Hayden khayden at
Mon Mar 3 13:42:41 PST 2003

I hate doing this, but I have to advise anyone who is thinking of 
getting the latest version of iMovie3 to STAY AWAY FROM IT!!

It has proven to be a complete disaster for me. There are so many 
things wrong with it,  it is as if they gave the upgrade project to a 
novice programmer to work on. The list of things that go wrong is so 
long I would be typing here all night.

In addition to the problems I reported earlier I have now come across 
several others. I will try to sit down and write them up so others can 
check against what I am reporting. But seriously, if you have not 
downloaded it and were thinking of doing so DON'T is my advice.

I would be so happy if someone can report anything positive about 
it........... but I won't hold my breath until then. I am going back to 
iMovie2 until they fix iMovie3.

Karl Hayden (Dublin, Ireland)

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