[MacDV] Re: FCP 1 or 2

ShirleyK ShirleyKat at cox.net
Mon Mar 3 19:09:48 PST 2003

You guys have just reminded me that I'll have no way to get FrameMaker 
on the new G4 Tower I ordered a long time ago. It runs only in OS 9 and 
the installer works only in OS 9 (not Classic). Adobe has provided ways 
to install Photoshop 6 and 7 upgrades without requiring a previous 
install. For Photoshop 6, you inserted a previous CD; for Photoshop 7, 
you type your previous serial number. So Apple could make this simpler 
if they'd do something like that in the FCP installer.


On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 07:46  AM, Tom Seid wrote:

> On a 2003 machine, aren't you able to launch Classic and install the
> original FCP version, then launch the machine in OS X and install FCP 
> 3...I
> was told by an Apple store employee that this was what to do in the 
> case of
> upgrade disks. As long as the OS X finder sees the preferences in the
> Classic system folder, you should be able to install the upgrade.

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