OS X 10.2.4

Ian Tucker carlian at picknowl.com.au
Tue Mar 11 14:17:14 PST 2003

> Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 06:04:04 -0500
> Subject: [MacDV] Re: OS X   10.2.4
> From: Charles Martin <chasm at mac.com>
> Message-Id: <01F8A24E-52E8-11D7-A4E6-0003934A00F8 at mac.com>
>> From: Ian Tucker <carlian at picknowl.com.au>
>> I have not upgraded from 10.2.3 to 10.2.4 as yet due to problems  some
>> Members have had  after doing so.
>> Earlier reports indicated some people were having problems with "Mail"
>> and "Toast" and locally, one of our Apple Club members is now having
>> trouble with his internet banking since upgrading.
> Internet banking and Toast and not related. For the internet banking,
> if you can get a description of the problem (browser used etc) from
> your friend and relay it here, perhaps we can help.
> I use Toast (Titanium 5.2) on 10.2.4 without incident. I also have no
> trouble at all with Mail.
> I think the secret is to have a healthy system (Disk Utility) before
> the install of 10.2.4, and to run "Repair Permissions" from Disk
> Utility right afterwards, then a restart. Seems to have kept me from
> having any unusual issues with my copy.
> _Chas_

Thanks for your comments and offer to assist regarding trouble with an 
Apple Club member's internet banking.  It turns out the Bank in 
question was at fault !
                  I was aware there was no connection between Internet 
Banking and Toast----I was attempting to summarise issues people were 
encountering since upgrading to 10.2.4.

Further to your last paragraph I wonder how many problems experienced 
with the recent upgrades to iLife products have emanated from partial 
installation of the package  ie.  prior to the CD and DVD becoming 
available for purchase it was possible to download the upgrades( bar 
iDVD2 ) over the net.    With the DVD there was a "Read Me" file and it 
was quite explicit that after installing the package that each 
Application must then be opened in a specific order.  Although my 
comments  address the iLife upgrade and not the subject heading,  it is 
difficult to isolate them from the OS  10.2.4  upgrade as it in turn, 
affects graphics etc.

I have used all iLife products, Toast and Mail over the past two days 
and they seem to be OK after upgrading to iMovie 3.0.2 and OS X 10.2.4. 
    As an aside, I was attempting to burn a DVD last night and I kept 
getting the message that there was an empty slide show in the menu and 
that each slide show must contain at least one image.    I was getting 
to the stage of deleting everything and starting again when I tried 
"Show All" from the menu bar.   Lo and behold a little boxed area  one 
character wide,  and empty,   appeared on the second page of the DVD 
menu screen!

Ian T.

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