[MacDV] Re: iDVD & 3 movies

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Wed Mar 12 12:44:53 PST 2003

Wow... cool, man!  :-)  I was wondering about that referencing movie -- 
great idea!  Did Apple bother to document this anywhere?  Do they ever? 
  Or do they leave these things for the people that write the books that 
Apple should have written in the first place?  ;-)

Thanks Erica.

- Mark

On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 12:29 PM, Erica Sadun wrote:

> There seems to be a misconception here that you can only add
> chapters to one movie when importing to iDVD.
> Au contraire.
> Finish your editing, add your chapters and save your projects.
> Then go to the top level directory in each of your project
> folders. You'll find a quicktime reference movie there
> named the same as your project, e.g. myproject.mov.
> Just drag these over to iDVD and drop 'em in. All the chapters
> come with the movie in a separate chapters track.
> You can prove this to yourself by opening any of the
> project reference movies in QuickTime (you don't need
> pro). The chapter markers appear as a pop-up menu at
> the lower-right of the movie track.
> If you do have QTPro, do Cmd-J and look at the left pull-down
> menu. You'll see the Chapters Track as a separate track.
> - Erica
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