I'd like to dump a bunch of unedited DV tapes to DVD. I like the way iMovie imports the tape into separate clips and would like to automatically generate a DVD menu (and/or chapters) which correspond to the individual clips. It would be great to have the timestamp and clip length as a part of the chapter name/menu title. A menu consisting of thumbnails (like the Clips panel in iMovie) would also be wonderful. Basically, I'm looking for an automated (or nearly so) way to put all my unedited video on DVD in a way that I can quickly see what's on each tape. Can this be done with iMovie and iDVD? Maybe with some Applescripting? Or is there some other software that would help for this? ( I can't be the only one who's ever wanted to do this, right? ) -- Ray Zimmerman / e-mail: rz10 at cornell.edu / 428-B Phillips Hall Sr Research / phone: (607) 255-9645 / Cornell University Associate / FAX: (815) 377-3932 / Ithaca, NY 14853