Loading iPhoto Images into iDVD3 Slide Shows.

Ian Tucker carlian at picknowl.com.au
Sat Mar 15 19:26:42 PST 2003

When I download photos from my Nikon CoolPix 775 to iPhoto 2 the images 
remain in the sequence in which  they were photographed in.   
Subsequently, I then usually rearrange the sequence of the images in 
various albums.

When it comes time to burn an album to a DVD I am having trouble in 
importing the images therein into  the iDVD palette  in the same 
sequence as in  the respective album.  It does not matter whether I  
drag the name of the album  from  the "Photos" area of the "Customize" 
button, or highlight all of the images in that area and then  drag them 
to the palette,   I subsequently find the imported images have 
rearranged themselves according to file numbers that have been 
allocated to them (for which I can not see no rhyme nor reason to such 
order).   I am getting around this by individually dragging each image 
from the "Photo" window area to the palette, and although it does not 
take that much time, it is quite frankly, still a pain in the backside.

Does any member know a "work-round" where  I can drag a full photo 
album into an iDVD3 palette in a single action whilst still retaining 
the preferred order of the images ?

Ian Tucker.

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