I would suggest that your son learn the fine and tedious art of editing. Even without seeing the video I am fairly certain it can be edited. I am certainly no pro. I once did a video that was only 18 minutes long for my office and one of our engineers decided they could use it in a presentation at a national convention. The only problem was he didn't want it to be any longer than 9 minutes!!! He reviewed the video several times and then told me what should be cut out. I didn't agree initially but decided i wanted to have my video shown so I did what he said and kept at it until it went from 18 to 15 to 12 to 10 to 9 to finally only 8 minutes. Now if you viewed the two videos you would say that the first 18 minute video had too many shots that were just too long. The final version is much smoother. It won an award! Edit, edit and then edit some more! Sorry I didn't give you any technical advice but sometimes it is better to think simple! good luck Juan On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 12:07 AM, SkylnPrntg at aol.com wrote: > Ok, my son is making a video of our local elementary school talent > show. > It is 2 hours 11 min long, we edited in iMovie 2 and exported to > quicktime. > > then found out it is too long for iDVD to make a DVD from. > > also the audio lost sync at about 3/4 the way thru the movie. > > any suggestions or step by step instructions on the web to reccommend > > iMovie > iDVD > os 9.22 or 10.23 > mac 933 Quicksilver > 120 GB drive just for data > 13GB for system > 60 for all else > 1.25 GB RAM > > Thanks, > Russ Weitz