[MacDV] Re: newbie questions

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Fri Mar 21 10:55:19 PST 2003

At 1:50 PM -0500 3/21/03, SkylnPrntg at aol.com wrote:
>Yes but we're talking about a kids talent show, making copies for all the
>Each video could be JUST the 5 min. or so for each family, but each would
>then be a custom job, no a duplication job with a master VHS or DVD file.

In the case of a talent show, where each family wants the
whole performance, create a 3-5 minute short feature at
the start that showcases the whole performance. You can
place entire (unedited) performances afterwards alphabetically
or in show-order. Try to include titles (and maybe a table
of contents) to help people navigate through the tape.

-- Erica

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