[MacDV] Final Cut Express Manual and Book

Daniel Beck danielbeck at mac.com
Wed Mar 26 11:58:46 PST 2003

On Thursday, March 27, 2003, at 03:29 AM, William Hofius wrote:

> I have got a copy of Final Cut Express, but I have no idea how to use 
> it...Also, I went to a couple of bookstores and computer stores 
> looking for a FCE guidebook, but I found nothing. Have any 
> guidebooks/users guiders been written for FCE yet?

Don't know about any FCE specific books. But, I can recommend Michael 
Rubin's "Beginner's Final Cut Pro". It wasn't written for FCE, but I 
would venture to guess that almost all, if not all, of the information 
is applicable, and it is such a good way to get started in Final Cut. 
 From there, you can learn how to use the other features.

Daniel Beck
danielbeck at mac.com

Tadayoshi Video Productions
dbeck at tvp.jp.com
Video solutions in Tokyo

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