[MacDV] Re: Final Cut Express Manual and Book

Gerhard Kuhn suspice at hay.net
Thu Mar 27 04:25:02 PST 2003

People often get legitimate evaluation copies of software on CDs 
attached to magazines.  This software is distributed to familiarize 
people with a new product and spawn potential sales.  Usually 
evaluation software has some key features disabled and also will expire 
following a predetermined number of days of installation or certain 
number of uses.  As an example MacAddict had such a version of Corel 
11.  So don't be too harsh in your judgment.


On Thursday, March 27, 2003, at 12:20  AM, Charles Martin wrote:

> "Evaluation copy"?? <raises eyebrow>
> I met one of the FCP team last year at Macworld and he gave me his 
> business card. I'll dig it up and let him know there are folks with 
> "evaluation copies" who need help. I'll give him your email and maybe 
> he'll help you out.
> _Chas_
> Recently on my blog: Florida Film Festival coverage. Check it out!
> http://thechasbah.blogspot.com

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