[MacDV] How to Delete an iMovie Project, an iDVD Project?

Daniel Beck danielbeck at mac.com
Fri Mar 28 15:43:47 PST 2003

On Saturday, March 29, 2003, at 08:08 AM, Dwayne Moore wrote:

> What is the correct way to delete an iDVD Project, and to delete an 
> iMovie
> Project? I have finished burning my DVD and want to delete everything
> related to the DVD. I cannot seem to find a delete project option in 
> either
> application, and searching the help doesn't find an answer. Am I blind?

Why don't you just find the project in the finder and trash it from 

Daniel Beck
danielbeck at mac.com

Tadayoshi Video Productions
dbeck at tvp.jp.com
Video solutions in Tokyo

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