[MacDV] Re: iTunes 4 & The iTunes Music Store

Matthew Guemple mo.og at verizon.net
Thu May 1 16:28:49 PDT 2003

Of course we should keep this on the downlow, on the QT... so they dont  
find a work around...
On Thursday, May 1, 2003, at 01:33 PM, Erica Sadun wrote:

>> On Donnerstag, Mai 1, 2003, at 07:07  Uhr, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>>> Sorry, forgot to turn on brain before sending my last post. The  
>>>> nonsavable music videos he's referring to can be found under  
>>>> certain artists, e.g. Sheryl Crow and U 2, and are free. Like an  
>>>> MTV video their purpose is to make you want to buy the music.
>>> Ah.
>>> Okay then.
>>> Very easy to recover the QuickTime movie. Just did so.
>>> Interested?
>> Yes, please.
> Unix Geek way:
> 1. Launch Terminal
> 2. cd /
> 3. cd private
> 4. cd tmp
> 5. ls
>    look for a numbered directory. Mine is 501
> 6. cd into that numbered directory
> 7. cd Temp*
>    this puts you into the Temporary Items folder
> 8. ls
>    look for files named QTPluginTemp with numbers after
> 9. copy to the desktop. Wait for it to appear.
> 10. rename from the desktop with a .mov extension. Confirm.
> 11. Launch in QuickTime
> NonUnixGeek way:
> 1. Command-F from finder
> 2. Add criteria: Visibility. Set to All
> 3. Search for File Name contains QTPluginTemp
> 4. Select the file
> 5. At the bottom part with the folders, double-click
>    Temporary Items to open the folder
> 6. drag a copy to the desktop.
> 7. rename with a .mov extension. Confirm that you want to add
>    the extension.
> 8. Launch in QuickTime
>>> -- Erica, who's feeling a little punchy today.
>> Punchy enough to offer your book on iMovie 2 to list members for a  
>> discount, per chance? I'd really like to have it but it's a bit  
>> beyond my budget at the moment. : -(
>> chris searles
> Gibt es nicht Amazon.de in Deutschland? Hier kostest
> nur (circa) zwanzig Euroen. Wie viel kostest es fuer
> Sie?
> -- Erica, who cannot speak German even though she
> took 1st year German no fewer than 3 times. (In
> JHS, HS and College)
> ----------
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Matthew Guemple
Art Director/03
mo.og at verizon.net

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