[MacDV] Re: $80 120Gb drive at circuit city

Donna B blktauna at shawstudios.com
Mon May 5 09:17:25 PDT 2003

on 5/4/03 8:14 PM, Charles Martin at chasm at mac.com scripsit:

>> From: ShirleyK <ShirleyKat at cox.net>
>> At any rate, I am no longer swayed by the promise of a rebate.
> The *only* rebates I have *ever* successfully gotten were from Apple.
> "Dilbert" has covered this subject accurately and well. I won't buy
> *anything* anymore that has a rebate attached to it. Period.
> It's actually surprising to me that the consumer-affairs section of the
> government hasn't cracked down on this stuff by now. It's a HUGE scam.
> _Chas_
I'm with you here. I send them in ont time, correctly filled out (I read the
small print) and with all the attachments. The last one I got from Staples
and filled out the forms etc, they sent a note saying the rebate was on;y
good for the items when bought from Circuit City... What kind of crap is
that? It didn't say that on the form... Anything to get out of paying.

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