[MacDV] Re Western Digital hardrive Unsupported, plus a comment about Rebates

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Wed May 7 10:11:44 PDT 2003

I think his system is defective. He is trying to look with 9.0.4. I'd 
be willing to bet that if he simply runs his system updater 
(REPEATEDLY) until it won't run any more and then runs the latest drive 
setup, that he will see the WD 120 just fine. He's trying to initialize 
a new drive with an OLD CRAPPY SYSTEM.


On Wednesday, May 7, 2003, at 09:07  AM, Bill Freeman wrote:

>> Now I have the Western Digital in an external firewire case - but my 
>> G4
>> (system 9.04) won't recognize it under system profiler or drive setup.
> I think your drive is probably defective.  I have two WD 120gb 8mb 
> cache drives and both work fine.  I have used them both internaliy in 
> a G3 and also in a G4, and both are presently installed in external 
> firewire cases with no problem at all.

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