Excess baggage from your quoted postings

galley at texas.net galley at texas.net
Fri May 9 23:24:14 PDT 2003

For those who use e-mail clients that always quote the entire message when 
replying, try this:

1. Select the block of text you want to quote in your message.
2. Copy it to the clipboard (CMD-C).
3. Invoke the REPLY command (typically CMD-R).
4. The new message may appear with all the reply text already selected. If 
not, select all the text (CMD-A).
5. Paste (if your client has a "Paste as quotation" command, use that). This 
leaves just the text you wanted to quote in the new message.
6. Edit to taste. If you are replying to a digest, be sure to edit the Subject 
line so that it reflects the item you are replying to, and not the title of 
the digest.
7. Send it.

That's more complicated to describe than to do. When I do this in Eudora, I 
just select reply text, CMD-C, CMD-R, OPT-CMD-V, and then edit the result and 
send it.

I need to take a look at Eudora and see if it has a way to reply using just 
the selected text, which might save a keystroke or two.

On Fri, 09 May 2003 09:06:28 -0400, Jon Blumhagen <jblumhagen at zionshope.org> 
>> It would certainly be more considerate if responders would clip out
>> excess verbiage from their replies (like the boilerplate that the
>> MacDV list adds at the end of every message it sends, for example).
>> But being considerate of others isn't as much in fashion as it used
>> to be.
>One thing folks might not know (I didn't years ago when I first started
>using Outlook Express), BEFORE replying to a message, first select the
>relevant text in the original message, and THEN hit the reply button.
>Only the selected text will be included in the body of the

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