On Saturday, May 10, 2003, at 11:18 AM, Jim Asherman wrote: > > On Saturday, May 10, 2003, at 11:17 AM, Matthew Guemple wrote: > >> I just tried burning with a Maxell DVD+R in my TiBook super drive... >> no luck. Is there some sort of "blue" disc issue? >> ________________ >> > > I think you are supposed to use DVD-R . DVD+R is for standalone > recorders. > Jim it depends on the recorder. Panasonic is pushing DVD-RAM and DVD-R in their standalones. In any case, DVD+R is incompatible with Macs, and my understanding is that a lot of consumer players won't read them either. I just grabbed a no-name DVD-R brand from my local liquidator and haven't had a problem - tried a Pioneer, a Panasonic, and a Koss player, all read the disc just fine.