OT: How Do I Make A Bootable CD-R?

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Sun May 11 19:00:59 PDT 2003

> From: Kunga <Kunga at FutureMedia.org>
> A bit off topic. But I know we have quite a few brainiacs on this list.
> ; ^ )
> Anyone know how to make a bootable OS X CD-R with applications I want
> to run from it? Where are my registration permissions that I need to
> include on it? Thanks.

This link:
will lead you to downloading BootCD, a nifty piece of freeware that 
does EXACTLY what you are looking for. No fussing with permissions and 
whatnot, it creates (in about 5-10 minutes) a bootable OS X CD that 
contains a system folder for your machine and whatever tools you want 
to add (bearing in mind the limit of the CD).

Three caveats about this great tool:

1. Booting up from an OS X CD is *incredibly* slow. We're talking 
several minutes to boot.
2. The CD will ask for a user name and password. The username is "root" 
and the password is "bootcd"
3. Run ONLY the tools you need to run to repair the hard drive and then 
reboot. DON'T play around while in root mode.


"The Box said 'Windows 95 or better' ... so I got a Macintosh."

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