[MacDV] Re: Formats...

Matthew Guemple mo.og at verizon.net
Mon May 12 08:01:58 PDT 2003

It would be burned through iDVD, so not entirely uncompressed right? I  
guess I'll try it out and see what happens, just to know for sure, but  
I suspect you are correct.

>> Jon Blumhagen wrote:
>>>>> If I render using no compression and then burn it onto
>>>>> a DVD would that run ok? Without the throughput problems the  
>>>>> computer
>>>>> has?
>>>> That would run , not as good.
>>> Not sure I understand this. DV itself is already a compressed format  
>>>  (1:5)
>>> done right in the camera itself.
>> This is an AfterEffect project. No DV footage used. The "none" or   
>> uncompressed version looks great, the "DV codec" compressed version   
>> looked soft.
>> The none version stuttered on my machine and I was wondering if that   
>> was a function of the computer and whether that limitation would be   
>> overcome by the compression applied when making a DVD.
>>> I not sure I understand the "run not as good", though. Are you  
>>> saying  that
>>> if the original DV-compressed shoot is rendered without a codec and   
>>> then
>>> burned to a DVD, it will have problems running on a standalone  
>>> player?
>>> jb
>> So I took it to mean "yes".

> I do not think that uncompressed Video stored on a DVD would even  
> register as viable content on a standalone player.
> On the other hand you probably could render your uncompressed video to  
> Mpeg2
> make a DVD from it and that would run fine.
> Jim

Matthew Guemple
Art Director/03
mo.og at verizon.net

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