Formats. (AfterEffects preview on NTSC monitor)..

sb videovideo at
Mon May 12 10:44:37 PDT 2003

There is a way to preview the After Effects comp on an NTSC monitor. You use
the RAM Preview, and also a 3rd party plug in (its expensive too) called
Echo Fire from synthetic aperature.

I saw a Macworld Magazine article about it (google "Macworld Echo Fire 2.0"
for the URL)


On 5/12/03 8:17 AM, "Mark M. Florida" <markflo at> wrote:

>> This is an AfterEffect project. No DV footage used. The "none" or
>> uncompressed version looks great, the "DV codec" compressed version
>> looked soft.
<snip snip snip>
> Matthew, going back to your old issue of playback performance on your
> computer, if you just want to get a motion preview of your AE project, then
> you should probably use a computer playback-friendly codec like MJPEG-A or
> Photo-JPEG at 1/4 screen size (320x240), then when you're sure it's good,
> make a DV version at 720x480 for output to video (via DVD or otherwise).
> Yes, it will look "soft" on your computer screen, but will play back fine.
> I have yet to use a computer that can playback uncompressed video (that's
> what the "None" codec is) without the assistance of an uncompressed video
> editing card...

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