[MacDV] We are all PROS!!

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Tue May 13 13:19:55 PDT 2003

on 5/13/03 8:19 AM, digitalx169 at mac.com at digitalx169 at mac.com wrote:

> Ted,
> Just so you know I am just getting my story out now! I am writing it on
> a tablet and then well draft it in Word (or  ThinkFree Office). I am not
> planning or probably even renting a camera when i am ready to go to
> Production. HD is far beyond anything I would ever need. I am probably
> looking at single CCD Sony miniDV to transfer to DVD and to screen at
> film festivals. I am just starting out but it does not mean I know
> nothing. I recent someone stating I am not a pro because I do not use
> all the pro tools. Not all of us have the $$$ to blow. Did anyone ever
> consider this?
> Chris

Woa, Chris,

Unless you are making a living from in it, you're not pro.  That's what pro
means.  That doesn't mean you're not talented.  The whole point about the
tools is this:  Pros make money from it all, therefore pros like to up the
money to time spent ratio, therefore pros spend money on tools that save

Just that.


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