[MacDV] Editing Software Question

Alan Cawson alan_cawson at illustraresearch.com
Thu May 15 18:48:18 PDT 2003

David Thrasher said:

"I tried out iMovie 3 on my 800 Mhz slot load iMac using OS 10.1.5 and
it was slooowwww! Just spliting a video clip took half a second with the
spinning beachball (or is it now called a lollypop?) appearing. I was
wondering how well Final Cut Express would perform?  I noticed it is
only available for OS X while FCP is available for both 10 and 9."

I had to stop using iMovie 3 and go back to iMovie 2.1.2 which is the
eversion that shipped with Jaguar.  I also use Final Cut Express which
is very fast by comparison and reasonably stable  ( I have G4 800 MHz
768 MB).


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