Editing Software Question

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Thu May 15 20:58:14 PDT 2003

> From: David Thrasher <idave at earthlink.net>
> I tried out iMovie 3 on my 800 Mhz slot load iMac using OS 10.1.5 and 
> it was slooowwww!

Not very surprising. Why are you not on Jag? It's significantly faster 
than 10.1.5. Also, how much memory have you got running on that machine?

> I was wondering how well Final Cut Express would perform?

FCP is a significantly different -- and some would say more complicated 
-- program than iMovie. I would guess it would perform at around the 
same speed as iMovie. Perhaps adding RAM or using a large, FW dedicated 
drive would make more a difference.


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