For your DV clips try these steps: 1. Export to a full quality Quicktime movie. 2. Open the movie in Quicktime Player - you'll need Quicktime Pro (if you don't have it, the cost from Apple is $29.95 for the registration to unlock the Pro features.) 3. You'll see two triangle shaped sliders on the time bar that meet each other. Slide the right one to the spot where the split should occur to select the first segment. Cut that segment (File menu> Cut or Cmd-X) 4. Under the File menu, open a new player. Paste in the segment you cut in step 3. 5. In each of the open movies you have (you should now have two - one containing the first segment and the other containing the 2nd), Go under the File menu to Export. Select the option for saving as a DV stream and save it. It's up to you if you want to keep the original movie that the DV streams came out of. The DV files you create can be imported back into iMovie or, if you have BtvPro, can be exported to a digital camcorder. Original message: "2. How can I split a DV clip file into two separate files? I thought iMovie used to do this when you split the clip at the playhead. But in iMovie 3.0.2, even if I split a clip, trash half and empty the trash it still doesn't change the size of that clip file."