[MacDV] Re: Tiger Video Now

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Fri May 23 17:35:57 PDT 2003

>On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 08:23  PM, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>Does anyone have advance word on Tiger/Hasbro's "Video Now" unit?
>>I'm trying to discover estimated battery life, screen size
>>and whether the CD uses a standard format for custom authoring.
>>Thanks in advance,
>>-- Erica
>I did a quick sherlock. Egad ! We have all that stuff !  This video 
>now seems pretty mysterious but it seems related to the E Kara which 
>is on my TV now.
>That has cartriges and makes like a karaoke deal.

Video Now has an onboard B&W screen and is supposed to
accept miniCDs. This doesn't sound like the E Kara carts.

-- E

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