DVDBackup v.1.3 I think you can find it at: http://www.macupdate.com And then Toast. If you don't have Toast, then you might try Firestarter FX. sb On 5/26/03 11:41 AM, "Matthew Guemple" <mo.og at verizon.net> wrote: > I know it's been covered time and again... but what is the best method > for copying a mass produced DVD? It needs to be high quality, so > ideally I'd like to burn it back to DVD. > Thanks... > M > ________________ > Matthew Guemple > Art Director/03 > mo.og at verizon.net > 646.734.6601 > www.gridd.com > http://www.creativehotlist.com/ > index.asp?linkTarget=fullProfile.asp&indID=19599 >