[MacDV] dvd to vcd question

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Fri May 30 13:23:23 PDT 2003

>Hello All.
>I have a dvd that a friend burned for me from one of her tapes. The problem
>I have is that they don't play on my dvd player. I would like to get the
>info off and onto a vcd.
>I have an iBook with 9.2.2 cd drive and an iMac with 10.2.6 (no classic)
>with cd/dvd. My burmer will only work on the iBook.
>Can anyone help out?
>I've been to vcdhelp.com but I'm sad to say, I'm confused...

Super easiest way: Play it on your iMac.

Easy way: "Hi friend. I can't play your DVD. Can you
make me a copy on tape?"

Less easy: "Hi friend. Do you own a Terapin or something
that lets you burn from tape to VCD?"

Far less easy, and wretched results: Rip, demux, recompress
and burn. Yuck.

-- Erica

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