> From: Donna B <blktauna at shawstudios.com> > Dear Donna, I'm not sure why nobody has actually answered your original question -- how to make a VCD from a homeburned DVD. I think I have all this in order and correct, but if anyone knows more or an easier way, please shout out! 1. First, you must make sure that the DVD your friend gave you will play in your computer's DVD player. This is key to the whole thing. 2. If that works, then use DVDxDV (available from macupdate.com or versiontracker.com) to extract the video off your friend's DVD back into a Quicktime movie. 3. If you have Toast, then open the Quicktime movie in iMovie and export it as a VCD using Toast's plug-in for iMovie (should be under the advanced export options). Open Toast, select VCD format, drop in your QT movie and burn. There are alternative ways to do this, but most are more complicated. Hope this helps. _Chas_ New at http://filmmoi.blogspot.com - at last, my review of "The Two Towers." Check it out!