DV cam Comparison

Karl Seilo kseilo at ameritech.net
Sun Nov 9 10:35:24 PST 2003

I'm preparing to purchase a new prosumer DV camera and I'm looking for  
some advice on comparing two different models.  I don't have the budget  
to purchase the XL1, GL2, Panasonic HD, JVC PDX10 or the outrageously  
priced Sony DV cameras.  So, I've been studying the Panasonic DV953 and  
the JVC SR 3000 -- both priced under $1,000.  Although both products  
are an excellent value and offer outstanding 3-CCD video, the Pana  
DV953 seems to have a 'touchy' zoom control (hard to 'feather') and the  
JVC SR3000 loads from the bottom making it extremely annoying to load  
when shooting from a tripod.  Any thoughts, please?   Thanks for any  
input -- especially from the guys that shoot a lot.


On Sunday, November 9, 2003, at 08:18 AM, Macintosh Digital Video List  

>         Macintosh Digital Video List Digest #2432
>  1) OT For Sale
> <http://www.themacintoshguy.com/lists/MacDV.html>.
> Send a message to <MacDV-ON at themacintoshguy.com> to switch to  
> individual messages.
>  XRouter | Share your DSL or cable modem between multiple computers!
> Dr. Bott | Now $139.99      <http://www.drbott.com/prod/xrouter.html>
>    Cyberian   | Support this list when you buy at Outpost.com!
>    Outpost    |         http://www.themacintoshguy.com/outpost.shtml
> MacResQ Specials: LaCie SCSI CDR From $99! PowerBook 3400/200 Only  
> $879!
> Norton AntiVirus 6 Only $19! We Stock PARTS! <http://www.macresq.com>
> ----------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2003 04:01:49 -0800
> Subject: [MacDV] OT For Sale
> From: Ron <gMedia.DV at verizon.net>
> Message-ID: <BBD21B2D.21D1D%gMedia.DV at verizon.net>
> Hi all,
> I thought that some of you might be interested in some of the nice  
> stuff I
> just listed for sale.
> Includes:
> Sony DSR-30 deck
> Palm V
> OEM Sony charger/adaptor and 3 batteries for VX1000
> and a 12 volt charger/adaptor for the vx1000
> Casio QV-300EX 3.3 megapixel camera
> Canon Digital Elph
> Canon G5
> Canon G5/G3 wide angle lens and adaptor
> Azden wireless 2 ch setup WR22-Pro with transmitter and lapel mic
> CAM-3 mixer
> Canon zoom shotgun mic
> Final Cut Express
> All without reserve!
> http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/ 
> eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=n210toys
> Let me know if I can answer any questions.
> Thanks!
> Ron--
> ------------------------------
> ----------
> <http://www.themacintoshguy.com/lists/MacDV.html>.
> Send a message to <MacDV-ON at themacintoshguy.com> to switch to  
> individual messages.
>  XRouter | Share your DSL or cable modem between multiple computers!
> Dr. Bott | Now $139.99      <http://www.drbott.com/prod/xrouter.html>
>    Cyberian   | Support this list when you buy at Outpost.com!
>    Outpost    |         http://www.themacintoshguy.com/outpost.shtml
> MacResQ Specials: LaCie SCSI CDR From $99! PowerBook 3400/200 Only  
> $879!
> Norton AntiVirus 6 Only $19! We Stock PARTS! <http://www.macresq.com>
> End of Macintosh Digital Video List Digest #2432
> ************************************************

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