DV cam Comparison

Gordon B. Alley galley at texas.net
Mon Nov 10 06:48:35 PST 2003

I've got a 2200mAh Li-ion battery for my Canon ZR 40 that will let me 
shoot over 3 hours before recharging.

On Sun, 9 Nov 2003 16:24:41 -0500, Granville Kennedy 
<gskiii at telerama.lm.com> wrote:
>While I don't shoot a lot, I've never found that I've needed to shoot
>for longer than 60 minutes at a time, so loading from the bottom while
>on a tripod is a moot point, especially considering that getting more
>than 1 hour out of a fully charged battery pack is pushing the limits
>of the technology on a single CCD DV camera.  If you have the camera on
>a tripod and the battery charger plugged in, then you might have an
>issue :-)
>		Joey Kennedy.
>On Sunday, Nov 9, 2003, at 13:35 US/Eastern, Karl Seilo wrote:
>>  I'm preparing to purchase a new prosumer DV camera and I'm looking for
>>  some advice on comparing two different models.  I don't have the
>>  budget to purchase the XL1, GL2, Panasonic HD, JVC PDX10 or the
>>  outrageously priced Sony DV cameras.  So, I've been studying the
>>  Panasonic DV953 and the JVC SR 3000 -- both priced under $1,000. 
>>  Although both products are an excellent value and offer outstanding
>>  3-CCD video, the Pana DV953 seems to have a 'touchy' zoom control
>>  (hard to 'feather') and the JVC SR3000 loads from the bottom making it
>>  extremely annoying to load when shooting from a tripod.  Any thoughts,
>>  please?   Thanks for any input -- especially from the guys that shoot
>>  a lot.
>>  Karl

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at texas.net>

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