[MacDV] Re: Re making a cross platform dvd

cathal mc carthy mccarthycathal at eircom.net
Tue Nov 18 21:14:53 PST 2003

Thanks so much folks
I am slowly getting to the bottom of it
Here is what I am 100% sure of
a dvd made with idvd and apple dvd-r will not play on a brand new dell 
pc  with win xp  with a dvd rom in it.It won't play on an older dell pc 
with win 98 on it either.  It can't read the bup.ts folders at all and 
wants to go searching for it on the net These machines do not seem to 
have the necessary dvd software to play the mac burned dvds.
I have found though that both machines will play a quicktime version 
burned to with roxio onto a video cd however-lower res however.
My next step is to try an idvd version with roxio 5 in the dvd 
It just seems that in pcs while they all practically will have 
quicktime very few seem to have the dvd software to play a mac made dvd 
which is a real pity as the idvd themes are so nice!
On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 11:00 AM, Erica Sadun wrote:

> The DVD standard is platform independent. A DVD made on
> a mac should play on macs, pac's and standalone players.
> Any PC with a built-in DVD drive should have DVD playback
> software installed.
> -- Erica
> At 6:46 PM -0800 11/18/03, cathal mc carthy wrote:
>> thanks Jim
>>  The dvd I burned on a mac will not play on a dell pc running win xp.
>> What software should the pc have installed on it to play a dvd made 
>> on a  mac
>> what is the solution?
>> Could this be put with the dvd in order that pc users could play same 
>> the dvd.
>> Thanks so much for the help
>> On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 05:46 AM, James Asherman wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 04:18  PM, cathal mc carthy wrote:
>>>> Thanks everyone
>>>> Whats the best way to make a dvd that will play on a pc and keep 
>>>> all the nice idvd settings?
>>> Play it on a PC with a DVD player. As Erica said .Use DVD player 
>>> software installed on said PC. Don't try to play TS folders with 
>>> QuickTime. Don't rename anything after iDVD burns your disk. Wait 
>>> until the data is fully encoded from DV (camera. firewire) to Mpeg2 
>>> (DVD ) before inserting disk and burning. Beyond that a DVD is aDVD. 
>>> Play it with a DVD player whetther standalone or software based.
>>> Jim
>>>> On Monday, November 17, 2003, at 05:27 PM, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Erica
>>>>>> I have just tried to open a dvd made with idvd 3 and imovie I am 
>>>>>> running 10,2.6 on a g4 dual
>>>>>> The dvd will not open on a dell running win 98 it gives an error 
>>>>>> message saying
>>>>>> the video_ts.bup is not a file that quicktime understands.
>>>>> Use a DVD player program to play back DVDs, not QuickTime.
>>>>> -- Erica
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