[MacDV] Video is ruined

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Tue Nov 25 23:15:01 PST 2003

1.  Do the captured clips play in QuickTime Player?  (outside of iMovie)

2.  Are the scrambled images when playing back to video from iMovie or 
while viewing on the computer screen?

3.  It's *always* best to keep the source tapes around until you *know* 
everything is captured properly.  And even after capturing, it's good 
to keep them around in case you need to re-digitize something during 
the edit process...  Especially tapes like these that are not 

- Mark

On Tuesday, November 25, 2003, at 05:50 PM, Steve Demarest wrote:

> Dear List:
> I updated from a Hi-8 camcorder to a Canon DV. I recorded the Hi-8 
> tapes
> onto DV tapes. I then imported to iMOvie via Firewire. Most of the 
> clips
> came through just fine. But a number of them appear ruined. The 
> thumbnails
> are fine. But when I try to play them all I get are scrambled 
> multicolor
> pixel squares. I would hate to discard this footage of my kids.
> Unfortunately I gave away the Hi-8 stuff and have recorded over the DV
> tapes. The file sizes of the clips seems to be consistent with the 
> stated
> length of each clip. So I am hopeful the data is still there.
> Any thoughts would be appreciated. Please reply to me directly.
> mailto:stevedemarest at charter.net
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