[MacDV] Squeezing more onto a DVD with Final Cut/Studio Pro?

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sat Oct 11 13:17:55 PDT 2003

On Saturday, October 11, 2003, at 02:00  PM, Peter van der Linden wrote:

> I want to squeeze 2.5 hours of captured video onto a single 4.3 GB DVD.
> I am willing to trade off video and audio quality for this.
> I fed my original DV stream in to iMovie and captured it as 15
> 9-minute segments.
> That is what I am trying to build and burn using DVD Studio Pro.
> How can I tell what audio protocol (and hence the storage requirement)
> was used?  How can I cut back on audio quality?

After the mpeg encode, you should have two files one video one audio.
take the audio file and use the APack app, to squeeze it, before you 
use it.

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