On 10/15/03 at 3:21 M, Michael Winter <winter at mac.com> transmitted the following electronic message: > >On Wednesday, October 15, 2003, at 02:08 PM, Mark O'Brien wrote: > >> There are two ways I know of to put this on an SVCD: iVCD ($29 from >> www.mireth.com) or Toast Titanium 6. > >Can you squeeze a 1 hr show (-commercials) onto a SVCD? I thought the >limit was a little over 30 min, but I could easily be wrong about that >(I've never done it myself). > SVCD is a VBR encoding scheme. Depending on your source material and your settings, you can get anywhere from 25 minutes (give or take) to well over an hour on a single CD. The typical one-hour TV show, minus commercials, is about 43-44 minutes (includes opening/closing credits). There are various newsgroups on Usenet that host vast quantities of TV episode posts in SVCD format and they fit on one 80-minute CD. Check out ffmpegX as a means of encoding your content. Neither iVCD nor Toast allow more than minimal control over the encoding parameters (standard and high are the only settings). Burn the result with your burning software of choice -- mine is Toast 6. -- Dennis R. Cohen Mac Digital Photography iLife Bible Mac OS X Bible (and other titles)