[MacDV] toast to create a VCD?

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue Oct 21 18:00:07 PDT 2003

Buy Toast 6. I just made my first VCD with Toast 6 today and it is 
great. Better buy a D2 G5 to go along with is though. Took all day 
(about 5 hours) for my Cube 500 to encode 56 minutes of the DV video 
into the MPEG version.

Bottom line is that Toast 6 does the DV capture and MPEG encoding 
without iMove or iDVD. It even auto makes the table of contents for the 
VCD. Picture is not great, but audio is and the media costs NOTHING but 
sales tax if you follow the FREE after rebate deals that appear all the 
time in your Sunday Paper flyers.

Next I'm going to try SVCD instead with the updated Panther version but 
I'll need two CDs for that.

kunga10 (AIM)
kungax (AIM)

On Oct 20, 2003, at 8:14 AM, Peter van der Linden wrote:

> I have used Toast 5 to create DVDs quite happily.
> There are two unobvious things
> 1.  you need to create an empty AUDIO_TS directory if it doesn't have 
> one
> 2.  Use the "Other -> dvd" menu, not the "data" menu.
> However, I am not having success with using Toast to create a VCD.
> When I select "Other -> VCD" it puts up a dialog box asking me to 
> choose
> either "one or more mpeg streams"
> or "a video CD image file"
> I just have a bunch of VOB files.   How do I encode them into 
> something Toast likes?
> And what is that something - what does it mean exactly by "image file"?
> Thanks,
>     Peter

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