[MacDV] Re: compositing stills into movie in QT?

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Sun Oct 26 09:42:58 PST 2003

On Sunday, October 26, 2003, at 10:11 AM, RichGB wrote:

> On [2003-Oct-26]  Steven Rogers <srogers1 at austin.rr.com> wrote:
>> Its the "Open Image Sequence" that Rich mentioned that I was looking 
>> for . . . its not one picture that I want to make move, but about a 
>> thousand frames to make into a movie.
> Were you able to read the bmp files Steven or did you have to change 
> them to another format?

The BMP worked - I was actually not doing it myself, but trying to tell 
someone else how to do it that's working with a bunch of PC people. Its 
a "see how easy this is to do on the Mac" sort of thing.  But I 
couldn't remember how to do it at midnight on Friday night . . .


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