[MacDV] Re: external DVD burner

Donna B blktauna at shawstudios.com
Mon Oct 27 19:33:35 PST 2003

on 10/27/03 10:22 PM, Gerhard Kuhn at gerhardk at mac.com scripsit:

> If you are trying to do DVD authoring using a G3 based Mac it might be
> better to save the money towards the purchase of a G4.
Not an option right now.
Besides I author what I need to perfectly well now. It just takes time. I
have an 80 gig FW external hd to work with and it's not doing badly.

>  I remember when I
> bought my first CD burner it was a USB burner and bought  it for the
> same reasons you are stating, all the coaster I burned (resulting from
> a system too slow and short of resources) were frustrating beyond
> belief.

I use a usb cd burner now. Only it won't talk to OSX so I need an upgrade.
It's none too happy with OS9 either (but that might be that my usb port is
going). I'd rather get a firewire dvd for a reasonable price that I can
split with the roomie and still use when (gods willing) I do get a newer

>  My advice would be to wait and anticipate the pleasure of
> creating DVDs with a system up to the job rather than have a bad
> experience with equipment past it's best before date.
LOL well wouldn't we all. I still use my duo to write and net surf. I don't
expect certain things from it because I fully understand it's limitations. I
don't expect fast rendering on a G3, so I'm not frustrated when it doesn't

So Carl, it looks like just you and me searching for an external. I'll let
you know if I find anything reasonable.

George, you couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery - Jack Regan

blktauna at shawstudios.com
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