[MacDV] Re: external DVD burner

Carl Flatow cflatow at optonline.net
Mon Oct 27 22:07:35 PST 2003

Thank you.
That's what I wanted to know.


On Tuesday, October 28, 2003, at 01:01 AM, Gerhard Kuhn wrote:

> You go to an external drive and you either settle for a program like 
> Toast 6 that allows you to make very rudimentary menus resulting in 
> amateur look to your DVD or you buy a big buck program to make better 
> looking DVDs but that sort of defeats going external in the first 
> place.  iDVD is the nicest low/no cost authoring program that I have 
> seen and it does not work externally and it doesn't look like that 
> will  change.
> Gerhard
> On Monday, October 27, 2003, at 11:59  PM, Carl Flatow wrote:

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