[MacDV] Sony MiniDisc importing

Fabian Ius Fabian_Ius at edu.yorku.ca
Wed Sep 10 17:03:03 PDT 2003

Joe Camporesi <jcampor1 at san.rr.com> writes:
>So I have recorded something on my new miniDisc.. What is the best way to
>bring it in using a g4.. Two situations.. One would be burning to a cd the
>other would be using it in FCP 4..

This is what I do... (in Classic on a G4 or in OS9 on a Powerbook, and I haven't tried to do this in Jaguar 'cause I haven't looked for an app to do it in)

a) I connect a mini jack into the "headphones port" on the MiniDisc player (Ensure the cable is for use with stereo and not mono)

b) The other end is connected to the "line in/ mic in" on the Mac (Powerbook G3)

c)  I currently use Ultra Recorder 2.4.3 to digitize the sound to Standard AIFF 
	Input Device: "Built-In"
	No compression 
	Sample Rate: 44.1 khz
	Sample Size:  16-bit
	Number of channels: 2
	File type: Standard AIFF

It also has an "Automatic Gain Control" if you need it

d) Once it is recorded onto the hard drive, I edit the beginning and end of the file in Quicktime Pro and Export as AIFF

e) burn to CD with Toast or use in movie editing software

If anyone has found an easier and more up-to-date (the "Jaguar" way) process, please let me know.

By the way, are you using the MiniDisc to record with a stereo microphone or mono?  And what is the brand name? I don't like the one that came with my Recorder.

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