[MacDV] PC Compatibility with iDVD produced DVD

Ron Woodland woodland at infowest.com
Sun Sep 14 20:31:03 PDT 2003

Yes, it should recognize it.  All I know is that I've burned dozens of 
projects to DVDs using iDVD.  They have worked fine on a few PCs I've 
tried them on, but that's not really important.  More important, they 
have worked without fail in every DVD player I've ever tried them on, 
or for those to whom I've sent them.

If some guy's wintel computer using XP can't run DVDs made on a Mac 
that comply with published standards, guess who's problem it is.

No help, or sympathy for your friend, here.  Maybe he should check his 
config.sys.  (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Ron Woodland

On Sunday, September 14, 2003, at 06:41  PM, Daniel Beck wrote:

> I was asked to make a DVD out of footage my friend took on a MiniDV 
> camera. I captured it with FCP and marked chapters and exported it as 
> a FCP movie. Then imported it into iDVD3 with no trouble. After 
> burning it on my 12" PowerBook, it worked fine on my PowerBook. 
> However, I received this message from him today:
> Begin message:
>>  the DVD didn't work on my computer. Other DVD'S are fine. It's
>> XP (which helps to explain a lot). Is it looking for some kind of 
>> init-
>> ization file(s)? Neither PowerDVD nor Windows Media Player recognized
>> that there was a disc in the drive. What next?
>> I'll try the DVD in a regular player this coming week.
> Anyone know why his PC didn't recognize it? Should it?
> Daniel

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