And so it begins... FCP course?

Justin lemur at
Sat Sep 20 15:02:08 PDT 2003

Hi y'all!

Thanks to everyone that e-mail me info on my Macrovision question.

I've been lurking for a while. My name is Justin, I'm a real movie 
buff, and I've been 'aplying' with digital video for a while now.

Anyway... with the personal loan I applied for soon to be approved, 
it's time to get down to business making a little film that I've been 
wanting to make for a long long time. Which means I'll be coming out of 
lurking for the most part and bugging everyone with questions - some 
newbie, some advanced. Basically, I'm going to have to get serious to 
pull this little flick off.

So step one of many steps ones... actually LEARN Final Cut Pro. No more 
winging it, as I've been doing (with good results actually). There's 
tons about it I don't know. I have a few contacts at New York 
University, so I've been looking over their offerings, but I'd like to 
get fellow New Yorker's input: where do your recommend a relative 
beginner like myself learn Final Cut Pro? A course that's not obscenely 
expensive, preferably...

Feel free to e-mail me off-list; I'll be happy to compile all responses 
into summaries for the list.   (lemur at or justin at

Thanks very much in advance!


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