[MacDV] Final Cut Express Books

Rod Duncan roduncan at telus.net
Fri Sep 26 10:59:27 PDT 2003

I bought "Making Movies with Final Cut Express" 
by Michael Rubin. Excellent book & DVD. In 
addition, I bought his "The Little Digital Video 
Book" thinking there might be a couple of things 
I could use. Wrong. It is a little gem.

I highly recommend this author and his teaching 
style. Both reasonably priced, too.

Peachpit Press
FCP Book ISBN: 0-321-19777-1
Digital Video:  ISBN:0-201-75848-2

My 2ยข


>Now that I plan to start using Final Cut Express 
>I think it will be necessary for me to get one 
>of the popular books to help me use it to its 
>full potential.  I've heard good reviews for Tom 
>Wolsky's Final Cut Express Editing Workshop. 
>What about these others I've seen:
>50 Fast Final Cut Express Techniques -- Tim Meehan (Author);
>Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Express -- Diana Weynand (Author);
>Thanks for any advice.

Rod Duncan

"Buy a Mac and be thought a fool
or buy a Windows box and remove all doubt."

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