Using iMovie3 for first time. Was/is going well BUT... Went to save movie to iDVD, got message that said movie was over 90 minutes (and it was, about 92 minutes)... Cut about 10 minutes out, so is well under 90 minutes at 82 minutes now, but movie title and time above left corner of scrubber bar still shows original 92 minutes length...has MOVIE TITLE...TIME (shows original 92 minutes)...NTSC And I can pull along the scrubber bar to the end of the movie, at the point after my last clip (at 82 minutes), the scrubber bar goes from blue to white...nothing is after my last clip BUT I can keep pulling the scrubber bar to the right and it keeps counting up until I get to my original 92 minutes BUT nothing to grab onto to throw away? How do I get rid of this "ghost" footage that is keeping my movie bloated above 90 minutes? Thanks much.... ************************************************ James Hamrick • Architect PO Box 20638 • York, PA 17402.0138 T 717/843.5320 F 928/752.6523 E jim at ************************************************ "green" & environmental design grand ideas with small budgets tiny houses Good...Fast...Cheap—Pick any two!