[MacDV] Re: 350MHz G4 and suggestions--MacDV Digest #2672

illovox at comcast.net illovox at comcast.net
Fri Apr 16 12:43:38 PDT 2004

on 4/16/04 11:50 AM, matblack at mac.com at matblack at mac.com wrote:

> I just heard from someone that eMac's are major bad.
>>> oh, I spoke with my mac-head yesterday. The eMac is *****, plagued
> with
> problems. He sold 400 of them last year and has 65 in the shop. he sold
> 4000
> G4s and has 5 in the shop.
> Apparently the problem stems from the heat build-up caused by the
> monitor
> which quickly degrades internal components. also, because the speakers
> are
> built-in, their magnets cause the monitor to jitter and develop odd
> color
> shifts. apples trying to dump them.<<
> Just FYI...
> _____________________________________
> Matthew Guemple

This is true.  eMacs are the i(made with razor hinges and weak cables)Books
of the desktop line.  The breakdown rate of these machines must be
devastating education sales.  It is in the NW.

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